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MC Avatar of author Matúš Chamko | 20/03/2023
Avatar of author M5rk | 17/03/2023
VK Avatar of author Veronika Krewniakova | 16/03/2023
TM Avatar of author Tomáš Meľnik | 11/03/2023
Avatar of author Denis Ágh | 07/03/2023
AP Avatar of author Andrea Pohankova | 06/03/2023
ML Avatar of author Marcel Limberg | 02/03/2023
MG Avatar of author Matúš Grega | 01/03/2023
NF Avatar of author Nikoleta Farkašová | 25/02/2023
JG Avatar of author Jakub Graus | 25/02/2023
ĽH Avatar of author Ľubomír Hruška | 24/02/2023
Všetko bolo v poriadku
J Avatar of author Jozef | 17/02/2023
odporucam, super komunikacia aj dodanie tovaru.. objednaval som v tomto obchode uz niekolko krat a stale bez najmensich problemov
MJ Avatar of author Miroslav Ježík | 17/02/2023
Tovar objednaný 12.2. Valentínska akcia vyhlásená 13.2. Tovar v cene bez valentínskej akcie dorazil 15.2. To mi príde ako vyhlásiť vianočné zľavy s tým, že darčeky budú doručené po Vianociach.
RH Avatar of author Roman Hirjak | 16/02/2023
P Avatar of author Peter | 16/02/2023
PG Avatar of author Peter Galbavý | 15/02/2023
SA Avatar of author Samir Alija | 15/02/2023
JT Avatar of author Jaroslav Toth | 09/02/2023
objednavka, komunikacia, dorucenie v poriadku z CR na SK za den a pol co je rychle dodanie tovaru, balik dosiel v poriadku odporucam a som velmi spokojny
PM Avatar of author Peter Matiaško | 08/02/2023
LB Avatar of author Lucia Bajlová | 08/02/2023